Monday, December 17, 2012



I stumbled upon this great article that I must share because its much needed... My Response & Reflection...

A Call to Action: Help Single Black Men Keep A Woman!!!


This is by far the BEST topic to end and begin the year, This "Call to Action" is so needed with the coming of the New Year.

I'm no relationship expert or guru, but I have mastered the art of telling it like it is when it comes to men and what I expect from them while dating, which is probably why they run fast the moment I respond to Bullsh*t as their language. I myself being a successful black woman and still aspiring, have put dating on a major halt due to the incompetence and lack of what we call "good black men" out there. I have decided instead to just sit back, watch and learn my prey, instead of complaining there aren't enough good men out there, I have chosen to analyze the sought out sex and see why I haven't found one compatible for my liking. I cannot speak for every woman when I say my standards have changed as my age changes, what I wanted in a relationship at 25 is definitely not what is needed now. As my education advances and my careers gains speed, my wants and needs in a spouse are standard, not unrealistic and I definitely won't settle, I've worked too hard to be with someone that doesn't inspire or compliment me and the future I'm striving for. With that I have studied and learned so much from the opposite sex, and I must say that this S.O.S. should not be just for black men, but women as well. We have put so much emphasis on the lack of black men that we forget it takes TWO to build a great family... So, which sex is really lacking?

We cannot look at all black men and think how terrible they are, while in or after a failed relationship with one, and still have any hope of loving another. We must get to know any man before we judge him based on his past or present. As I have said before "you cannot really know where your going if you have no recollection of where you come from" and this goes without saying when entering a new relationship. We as people so many times jump into intimate relationships without really getting to know each other, without asking the right questions, so that we know from the beginning and yes, not everyone is honest, truthfully this is especial within African-American unions. And my lovely black women, I have to ask the age old question, How could you start a family with a man you hardly know? And then complain when the relationship fails???!!!! You have no idea who this person is but know enough to have a child with, this notion confuses me time and time again, my head hurts thinking of such gesture. The cycle of unmarried black homes continue and is getting worse, black boys who turn to men are finding no value in marriage because it is not portrayed within their homes or neighborhoods majority of the time. The lack of black fathers and strong, educated black men are going unseen and unheard, and we all as a race are to blame.

As black people weather you are raising your family alone or with support, strength comes not from seeing you put food on the table and being able to provide your family with the best you can, but realization of who they are, where they come from and your push for their greatness is detrimental in a black home especially today. So many lost and misguided children come from homes of no hope or no education, so lost that most young black men and women have no true respect for their past or present and sadly enough that leads to no passion for a clear future.Young black boys, become men and then old men, as young black men many without the guidance of a loving, supportive or educated man around often find hardships in growing to be confident and strong men, unless their single parent or guardian have some positive structure. Radio has become a open mic for foolish, uneducated and ignorant unimportant rant and raves of money, clothes and even more demoralizing of black women from our very own black men, its sad to say you'll never hear a white artist downplaying a white woman to the point of out right hate. Its obvious to say young black men are continuing the cycle of degrading black women and we not only have slim to no positive projections of black men with the exception of our president, but we have very little black men looking to make it better within their communities. I as a woman live to talk to young black girls about how great they are and can be no matter what hand life dealt them in the beginning of their story, great stories always have amazing twists and turns in them. We as black people have no one to blame but ourselves for the projection we give to our youth today, we have so much education and exposure, but still were trying to find a way to point the finger at our own faults and failures. As the New Year comes into existence, I say to all my black people stop making excuses and correct the situation! We are becoming victims of ourselves, what are you doing to change it?

I have watched and analyzed my black brothers and sisters weather they be single, dating, married, In families (RARE) and will continue to, I love watching mixed race relationships as of recent. Now, I'm not a stalker of any kind I just enjoy watching people interact especially black men and women, watching a couple who is clearly in some sort of intimate relationship, you can see why they are so great together or failing. But, to see a black couple or family in total love is something the word beautiful cannot be used to explain, there is a reason people stop to watch the black family interact, Father, Mother and Siblings, communicating, laughing, together, how lovely the view.... Now imagine this is NORMAL to see. 

With Much Love, Peace and Sincerity in the New Year!
Jules :)

Leave any comments, I love reading you guys thoughts and comments....

Friday, November 30, 2012

Cheers to The Holidays!!

Hello All!

As you can tell I’m still getting use to the whole blogging craft, but I ensure you it will get better! With that I have deciplined myself to leaving a post at least once a month, life is so hectic, but awesome! 
So please cut me some slack, and Thanks for even reading the caos that comes outta my head.

Peace and Love 

Cheers to the Holidays!
Lets give thanks to unpredictable life, comedy worthy family and never ending laughter with great friends, I pray God continues to throw us all in so many different whirlpools of learning and emotions, in which we will all become better movers in lifes obstacles and belivers in blessings. As I watch the world around me move, I notice how far gone so many of us are. Holding no morsels of hope and being so unaware of realites of whats around us, they continue to just  move about as if nothing matters but, thyself. Selfishness has become one of the biggest epidemics next to the common flu, and I myself find times when I am guilty of it. With the world being so cold all on its own, the need for human kindness should be no surprise, it brings a warmth during the holidays that gives the whole “Winter Wonderland" a pinch of life. Instead of looking down upon or judging others, including giving the most hideous, cold faces of  “love" to each other and yes I am talking to you my brothers and sisters especially, young and old casue lets be honest we dont now how to give warm welcoming glaces to each other here in NYC and so many other places, Its kind of disgusting to say the least, but I cannot change eveyone just myself. It’s a huge self esteem and confidence issue within yourself when this happens, people dont realize this. So, join me lets try and give warming glances, appreciating thy neighbor for who they are and if you have words spoken how about starting or ending with a Good Morning, afternoon, evening and the very best for this time of year, Happy Holidays! Its called common courtesy, if common sense is possible (in some cases I will strongly say it’s not ), (lol) then common courtesy should be easy. Even though living in NYC, aka the “Big Apple” can be very frustrating at times with so many walks of life within this city, making you want to take that, “Big Apple” and pelt it at the heads of some people! (I dont condone or promote violence) But, we must remember this time of year is for kindness and giving to one another, which most times costs nothing. 

There is so much history in the holidays, The Christmas Tree and lights represents God and forever Eternal life.

Remember we are reflections of the futures after us. Just as things in life change, we must change how we reflect.

Weather it be good or bad, how you handle every situation determines what happens next. What happens next could be good or bad, but that all depends on how you handled the situation!

I Wish You all Happy Holidays and Blessings into the New Year!!!
Jules :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mis-Education of Our Children... WTF??

Well, Lets not forget the fact that we are ranking 14th in reading alone and we speak english, I’m too ashamed to even say the what we rank in “Math”!! God Bless the asian community, and were a “Capitalist” country, I seriously beg to differ in so many ways. If you know anything about your history, my mind bending question from my last post you will realize how far back Mis-education really goes in this “land of the free," I mean facts are we are a country built by European theives and criminals. So, what could we expect? We can barely find the right man to run the country so we give each man who comes just a tad close to perfect by a longshot, 8 years each, if there lucky! I call that the best poker game ever... I CALL YOUR BLUFF AMERICA!! You are creating the dumbest children in the world, why??? I have no idea, and frankly neither does this country. I have veered from wanting to educate the youth in this world, to wanting to counsel them and their families instead. Why? You ask, well simply put, were not really teaching them anything, except how to get jobs. Lets not forget half the teachers, usually hold FINANCE or ORAGAMI degrees and have not a clue about child development. All because they pay teachers crap and expect them to educate a mis-educated country, O..K.! 

By all means I cannot soley blame America for our Mis-educated children, because America is not the parents of these amazing kids. I won’t go too hard on parents, not now... but soon. I’m not a parent myself but was raised by a No Bullshit you’r not gonna be sitting here stupid with me... Mom. And of-course FAMILY, We called it “School of the Hardknocks” you either Get it together or Get it together with harsh realities of life, your choice! 

Gone are the days of Current Events classes, teachers staying late if students need help and student and teacher respectable relationships. But, where do we begin, the cycle continues and its only getting worse. I asked one of my students what he wants to be when he grows up? And his honest answer was... Rich!... My second question to him was.. In what???


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Do You Know Your History?

Hello World! 

I’m a proud black woman with a passion for the betterment of my fellow black people, especially children. I love all people, the world is full of beautiful people, but I hear a cry for help within our communities and in black youth and I’m destined to answer that call or at least reach a few crys before they become silent. I hope you enjoy the topics and please comment as your comments are what keep me aware and connected. 

 An 80’s baby doing her part to help.... :)

So... I have come to realize so many black people, no matter what background have no idea about thier history and how great it is. And as some of you may not understand how this comes to bother me so much, I say in my defense that it sets a person back when they have no knowledge of where they come from. The struggles of our people were the highlights of our education, while the unbelievable accomplishments and contributions we have made in history were seldom or irrelevant. I come to understand this from working with black children of all ages, now I single out black children only because I relate to them personally. Our futures are merely a reflection of our pasts and so many young children have a dreadful reflection to look at, but that does not determine who they will be if surrounded by the right influences. “It takes a village to raise a child” parents can do what they can, but sometimes it takes someone else to see the value in that child and encourage achievement. 

Community is almost lost, hard times are getting harder and uniting seems out of the question!  
Get your hands dirty, learn about yourself , your history and what qualities you bring to the table. Improvise on them! I was once told if you can do something good then perfect it! Your twenties allow you to get to know yourself and the world around you, as young children our parents guide us the best way they know how, in adulthood is where you truly find your own balance and knowledge for your life ahead. 

Be proud of who you are and especially of where you come from, if you have children teach them this, dont leave it to the television or other young children to knowledge your child. Get involved! I know that it can be challenging to be a parent but with all brutal honesty, you made the choice or was given the blessing to have a child... Now lets get to work! 

We must encourage our youth to love themselves, educate themselves and represent themselves!

Peace and love